The storefront floor is partially removed in this picture (on the left).The nails in the flooring are 3" finish nails and are difficult to remove. Stephen Hardy is pictured here collecting the nails that have been removed.
Pictured from L to R are Jack Eiselstein, Jerry Allen and Dillon Haas removing the last piece of wood from the sub floor.All of the flooring has been removed from the sub floor and is ready to be organized. The holes on the right are where footings will be poured, and steel posts and beams will be used as part of the final structural support in the hotel.From L to R are volunteers Stephen Hardy, Jack Eiselstein and Dillon Haas along with Jerry Allen. These fine gentlemen worked in single digit temps to help with the project.Wood that is organized by size, banded and ready to be stored until we are ready to re-use it in the hotel.Wood flooring to be de-nailed and organized.Flooring ready for sizing and banding.