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Much Progress in 2022 at The Electric Hotel

Recap of 2022 at the Electric Hotel

Did you know the Electric Hotel has a boom with a view?

A dizzying overhead view of the hotel from a boom lift.
A pleasant view of the new roof, rebuilt cornice, and some of the restored windows.


On May 3, 2023, we received a preservation award for the work on the Lincoln from the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP). Several other preservation projects were recognized at a ceremony in Olympia, WA. What does this mean? It means the restoration of the Lincoln Hotel is recognized as an important preservation effort in the community and state of Washington.

A two-part photo of the Hotel Lincoln. The top photo was taken in 2009. The hotel stood empty for many years, and suffered from botched repairs. The bottom photo highlights the new windows, signs, and storefront. Not visible are the extensive structural repairs and upgrades.
2009, 2022 exterior views. Not visible are the extensive structural repairs and upgrades.


The year 2022 will long be remembered as the shortest year. So much happened during this time. Looking back, in May of 2021, we were awarded the Third Places Grant from the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation. This grant was used to electrify the Electric Hotel.

Poster describing the grant awarded by the National Park Service and US Dept. of the Interior
Grant award from the National Park Service and US Dept. of the Interior


With the matching funds we provided, we were able to get a new 800 amp underground service, and wiring to the storefront and manager's suite. The new service is more than ample for the rest of the project as we move forward. In December, 2021 the trenching was done and by January, 2022 Avista installed a new transformer and service to the building.

Worker toils in the electric trench. Conduit sticks up in several places, the bucket of an excavator rests.
Trenching for the new 800 amp service.


Avista, the local electric utility, connects the new power. Two boom trucks with lineworkers work at the same time. It is cold and snowy.
Connecting the new power supply.


M&M Harrison Electric started work in January 2022, getting the necessary outdoor boxes and indoor panels installed. This was at a time when our supply chain was affected, but fortunately, M&M was able to procure the necessary parts to get everything going.

Electrician stands by the new large commercial electric panel, all tidy and ready to use.
New main electric panel.


Our contractor, Rory Barbre, was instrumental in organizing everything and kept the project rolling at a good pace. He had completed framing in the storefront and manager suite so the electricians, HVAC, and plumbing contractors were all able to get their work done. By March, 2022 all of the rough-in utilities were done.

On weekends, Jerry worked diligently repairing wood floors in the manager suite along with many other jobs that needed to be done. The timing worked to re-finish the wood floors in the manager suite, so Rory got to work on that with some help from us. Once that was done, everything had to be covered on the floors to prepare for drywall.

Damaged floor in the new manager's suite, from the bathtub that was there originally. Large holes looking down into the store.
Bathtub leaks ruined the floor.


Repaired floor, all level, pretty, and no longer dangerous.
Floor is repaired, no more store view.


Using a powered floor sander, with a dust collection bag, to sand the floors of the manager's suite. There is a strong contrast betweet the old weathered surface, and the beautiful old growth fir underneath.
Sanding the floors of the manager's suite.


The floor is finished with a durable clear coat, highlighting the beauty of the fir, which has a dark reddish hue.
Beautiful finished floor, made from salvaged old growth fir boards.


The month of May 2022, Rory began the work of restoring the decorative metal cornice. Jerry took time off work to help, but this was a monumental task. This involved the following: remove old wood and tin, rebuild structure and deteriorated elements, repoint/relay brick as needed, replace old planking with plywood, attach metal roof material, flashing, seal and the top was done. Now for the underside, the part you can look up and see. Rory power-washed the whole thing, primed it, then painted it. He was done with the last spray of paint at 1:55pm, July 5th, 2022.

Deconstructing the cornice that rims the roof, removing rotten lumber and damaged parts.
Deconstructing the cornice


Rebuilding the wooden support framing
Rebuilding the wooden support framing


New plywood over the new framing supports
New plywood over the new support


Plywood is painted, the cornice reconstruction is complete
Plywood is painted, the cornice reconstruction is complete


View of the restored cornice as it appears from below, painted black and very pretty
The pretty painted completed cornice


In June 2022 it was time to insulate the storefront and managers suite, and after searching and calling around, it was determined that we were going to have to do it ourselves. Thank goodness Rocco Dotson was game to help with this project. Rory, Rocco, and I completed installation just in time for drywall.

Insulating the storefront and manager's suite
Insulating the storefront and manager's suite


Top Notch Drywall was our contractor and they did an excellent job. By August primer and paint were getting done, along with plaster repair, cleanup, and finish elements.

Installing drywall in the storefront. Two workers on a tall scaffold drywall the ceiling
Installing drywall in the storefront


Priming and painting the storefront
Priming and painting the storefront


September –November 2022 we worked and focused on the storefront mostly to get that ready for our tenant. December is an important month for retail so we worked hard to finish that space first. We were done by Dec. 5th, with a couple of details left to be done, but the space was finished, inspected, and occupiable. Our tenant, Julia Jacobsen, began moving in December 5th, 2022 and it was nothing short of a miracle what transformed in 3 short days. She did a pop up holiday event and it was magic. She officially opened the Mercantile in Harrington March 1st, 2023 and we are so excited for her future in this restored space.

Julia Jacobsen transforms the new storefront into a fully-stocked store in three days. Clothing, gifts, food, and christmas decorations.
Julia Jacobsen transforms the new storefront into a fully-stocked store in three days


The Mercantile is open for business Dec. 22, 2022! View of the exterior at night, highlighting the pretty holiday decorations, including a tall Christmas tree covered with colorful ornaments, and large lighted white stars
The Mercantile is open for business Dec. 22, 2022!


The manager suite is done and inspected. We are currently working on next steps to get the rest of the building completed.

Beautiful refinished door, original to the hotel
Beautiful refinished door, original to the hotel. Many original materials were salvaged and re-used.


Living are of the manager's suite, showing the beautiful refinished floor, nice lighting, window overlooking the storefront, and the irregular bare patch on the wall showing the original brickwork underneath
Manager's suite living area.


Manager suite kitchen. Bright and airy, pendant lights over eat bar, butcher block counter tops
Kitchen in the manager's suite


Manager suite bathroom has white subway tile shower with glass door, six-drawer vanity hickory vanity, big white sink, modern comforts that retain the old flavor.
Manager suite bath.


We could not have achieved this without the efforts of many awesome people. I made a list. You are all on it.